Department Resources

As you navigate your way through the Computer Science department, you'll find a robust support system filled with rich resources. Seek help from your professors during their office hours; they're not just your instructors, but your mentors who can provide invaluable guidance for your academic journey. Participate in study groups and workshops organized by the department, and you'll find yourself immersed in intellectual discussions that foster learning beyond the classroom. Don't forget to leverage the state-of-the-art computer labs equipped with powerful hardware and essential software platforms, where you can work on assignments or research projects. Make the most of department-led internships and job fairs, which provide an invaluable link to real-world opportunities in the tech industry. Remember, these resources are put in place for your benefit. Be proactive in utilizing them to pave your path in Computer Science.

Department of Computer Science Faculty Publications page
Department of Computer Science Syllabi Database search page
Department of Computer Science Undergraduate Overview page

Internal CS Dept. Report Computer Issues submission form

Policies and Procedures

Administrative Deadlines and Forms

Department of Computer Science Faculty Archive page

CWU News

CWU Student Fashion Association visits New York to network with industry leaders

April 29, 2024


NESSP to host challenge day at CWU for NASA Artemis ROADS II teams

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Computer Science

Samuelson Hall Rm. 207

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