Multimodal Learning

Online Programs

As you embark on your educational journey through an online program, you soon discover that multimodal learning is at the heart of your experience. No longer confined to traditional text-based learning, you find yourself engaged in a diverse array of resources. From interactive videos and podcasts to virtual labs and online forums, you can navigate through content in a way that resonates with your unique learning style. This digital landscape is designed with you in mind, allowing you to access materials at your own pace and interact with instructors and peers in real time or through asynchronous channels. As you delve into assignments that might require you to watch a lecture, respond to a discussion prompt, and then create a multimedia presentation, you realize that this online, multimodal approach is tailored to encourage critical thinking and creativity. Your learning experience is enriched, personalized, and flexible, fostering a deeper connection with the subject matter, all from the comfort of your chosen environment.

Are you ready to take your course online? Would you like to learn how to create a more effective online learning experience for your students?

Here we are highlighting exemplary fully online courses taught by faculty at CWU. Each one is designed and taught in unique ways. You will find that each instructor employs specific best practices to foster student success in online learning. Review each example to see the variety in approaches that can be taken when designing and teaching an online course.

Model Courses using Canvas:

Occupational Health - SHM102.A01

Designed and instructed by Morgan Bliss (Safety and Health Management)

Introductory Physics with Lab - PHYS111.A01

Designed and instructed by Bruce Palmquist (Physics)

Principles of Organizational Behavior - MGT386.A01

Designed and instructed by Todd Weber (Management)

Critical Reading and Responding - ENG101.A01

Designed and instructed by Joseph Johnson (English)

Follow these steps to learn about designing and teaching an online course:


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