Work Study Award Renewal

If you are currently working in a Work-Study job and wish to return to the SAME employer the following academic year, the process is as follows:

For off-campus work-study, the new hire and rehire process is the same. To renew your off-campus job for the upcoming school year, your employer should complete the WSPAF with you and submit it to the Financial Aid office. You will be awarded Work-Study for the upcoming year when your financial aid file is completed. If we cannot award you, you and your employer will be notified.

On-campus employers will receive an email message that it is time to renew your job for the upcoming year.  Your supervisor will submit the spreadsheet by email. You will be awarded Work-Study for the upcoming year when aid file is completed. If we cannot award you, you and your employer will be notified.

If your on-campus supervisor does not mention the renewal process, ask them about it.
The Financial Aid Office assists hundreds of students to find Work-Study employment. CWU participates in the federal and state Work-Study programs. You must qualify for need-based financial aid to be eligible for Work-Study.

The Work-Study program subsidizes the employer by a percentage of a student's hourly wage. Work-Study is like any other job; you work and receive a paycheck for your earnings from your employer. Work-Study students are generally in high demand so eligible students can often pick the job of their choice. There are more students eligible for Work-Study than there are available funds. A percentage of the funding for Work-Study is part of students’ financial aid package. If you are eligible for work-study it usually replaces Subsidized Loans. This can help reduce loan debt.

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Bouillon Hall 106