Kevin Archer


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Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
Interest and Expertise: Globalization and cities, environmental thought and politics, political economy, geopolitics, and public policy.

My own research has gone along two tracks over the last decade or so. The first concerns the role of science and perception in ecological restoration and environmental policy or, in more contemporary terms, the social construction/production of nature ( “Social Construction of the Environment").  The second track of my research involves the study of the processes of globalization particularly as it pertains to the cultures and politics of cities and regions (“Rescaling Global Governance: Imagining the Demise of the Nation-State” and "Transnationalism”). In both of these areas, I also have tried to write in a more student friendly way beginning with my "A Folk Guide to Geography as Holistic Science" article and exemplified best, I hope, with my latest book on The City.  For a different narrative style check out Handbook of Cities and the Environment and Handbook of Emerging 21st-Century Cities. A fuller professional life story, of course, can be found on my CV.


Dean Hall 316