Food and Agribusiness Innovation Minor and Certificate

About the Food and Agribusiness Innovation Minor or Certificate

Immerse yourself in the evolving landscape of agriculture and food systems with a minor or certificate in Food and Agribusiness Innovation at CWU. Develop the knowledge and skills required to excel in this ever-changing industry through our program's focus on sustainable practices, technology integration, and entrepreneurship to empower you as a leader in agribusiness. From the roots of the farm to the intricacies of the supply chain, retailing, or food service, gain a well-rounded understanding of the complexities and opportunities within this vital sector.

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Why Study Food and Agribusiness Innovation?

Unlock the potential of this industry and discover how innovation influences our food systems.

Gain the knowledge and skills you need to flourish in agribusiness with a strong focus on sustainability and technology. Our commitment to experiential learning and industry connections ensures that you'll be well-prepared to make a meaningful impact in the food and agribusiness field, where innovation plays a crucial role in addressing industry challenges and food security. Combine key principles of marketing, financial accounting, and entrepreneurship with the practical tools of agribusiness, to discover the impact agribusiness professionals can have in building sustainable, equitable, and inclusive food systems.

Study Food and Agribusiness Innovation

Discover the impact agribusiness professionals can have in building sustainable, equitable, and inclusive food systems.

Where is this program offered?

How much does this program cost?

Explore information on Cost, Aid, and Value to make an informed decision about investing in your education at CWU.

Where can I find more information?

Please visit the CWU Academic Catalog for current information about admission requirements, course descriptions, learner outcomes, and credit information.

Minor or Certificate?

This program is available as a minor for the current students who would like to enhance their major and as a certificate for those seeking to advance their career and skill set. The minor or certificate is industry-driven and directly applicable to the job market or industry demands. Connect with Academic Advising to make an informed decision. 

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