Applied Engineering


You navigate through a sea of resources at your disposal, each carefully designed to supplement your engineering journey. Textbooks lie stacked on your desk, their pages teeming with formulas and principles, serving as your reference tomes. Online platforms abound, hosting tutorials, lectures, and forums where you engage with peers and experts alike. You explore software tools and simulators, their capabilities stretching your understanding of complex systems and facilitating the translation of your ideas into practical designs. Libraries and laboratories become your second homes, offering physical spaces for experimentation and collaboration. These resources are not just aids, but crucial companions in your quest for knowledge and understanding in engineering. Remember to use them wisely and judiciously as you continue to shape your engineering perspective.

CWU News

Latest edition of Voyage Magazine available online

April 24, 2024


CWU defensive standout presented with coveted national award

April 24, 2024


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