Dr. Paul W. James


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Ph.D. Oklahoma State University (Zoology), 1989.
M.S. Missouri State University (Biology), 1983.
B.S. University of Kansas (Biology), 1981.



General Biology, Introductory Biostatistics, General Ecology, Ichthyology, Limnology, Wildlife & Fisheries Ecology, Ecological Field Techniques.



Fish ecology, stream ecology. I am currently investigating the impacts of fish barriers (culverts, small dams and diversions) on fish populations specifically in urban streams and along Interstate 90 through the central Washington Cascades.  

Recent Publications

  • Arango, C.P., P.W. James, K.B. Hatch. 2015. Rapid ecosystem response to restoration in an urban stream. Hydrobiologia 749(1):197-211
  • James, P.W., Wagner, R.S., Ernest, K., Beck, D. and Irwin, J. 2012. Monitoring fish and low-mobility vertebrates along a major mountain highway: a snapshot before construction of I-90 wildlife crossing structures.  Pages 572-585, In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, edited by Paul J. Wagner, Debra Nelson, and Eugene Murray. Raleigh, NC: Center for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University.
  • Murdoch, A.R., P.W. James, and T.N. Pearsons. 2005. Interactions between rainbow trout and bridgelip sucker spawning in a small Washington stream. Northwest Science 79 (2-3):120-130.
  • Polacek, M. C., and P.W. James. 2003. Diel microhabitat use by Age-0 bull trout in Indian Creek, Washington. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 12(1):81-86.
  • Divens, M.J., S.A. Bonar, B.D. Bolding, E. Anderson, and P.W. James. 1998. Monitoring warm-water fish populations in north temperate regions: sampling considerations when using proportional stock densities. Fisheries Management and Ecology 5:383-391.
  • Sexauer, H. M. and P. W. James. 1997. A comparison of the microhabitat use by juvenile bull trout in four streams located in the eastern Cascades, Washington. Pages 361-370 In Mackay, W. C., M. K. Brewin, and M. Monita, editors. Friends of the bull trout conference proceedings. Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary.
  • James, P. W. and H. M. Sexauer. 1997. Spawning behaviour, spawning habitat and alternative mating strategies in an adfluvial population of bull trout. Pages 325-329 In Mackay, W. C., M. K. Brewin, and M. Monita, editors. Friends of the bull trout conference proceedings. Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary.


Science Building, Room 338H