Multimodal Learning

Distance Education

In the realm of distance education, where geography and time zones may separate you from your instructors and peers, multimodal learning becomes your bridge to a comprehensive and engaging educational experience. You don't simply receive a series of PDFs to read; instead, you're provided with videos, interactive modules, live webinars, and online forums that cater to various learning styles. Whether you're a visual learner who thrives on illustrative presentations or an auditory learner who benefits from podcasts and recorded lectures, distance education through multimodal learning meets you where you are. You have the flexibility to choose how you engage with the material, blending different modes of learning to suit your preferences and needs. This enriches your understanding and allows you to connect with the content in a more profound way. Distance education in this context is not about being remote; it's about bringing learning closer to you, tailored to your unique way of absorbing information.


Distance Education (DE) utilizes our Cisco Telepresence/WebEx platform for interactive video-conference sessions, connecting the Ellensburg campus and University Centers while extending access beyond WA State.

The support resources below are provided for faculty, students, and staff using Distance Education technology for classes and meetings.

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Online Master’s of Education program now offers special education endorsement

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