Faculty Senate Committees

The Faculty Senate is made up of nine standing committees, each given charges for the academic year.

  • Academic Affairs Committee

    AAC23-24.01    Clarify CWUP 5-90-040 (38). Can courses with a grade of D be used towards the 180-credit graduation requirement if those courses have been denoted as forgiven thorough the academic forgiveness process? Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    AAC23-24.02    Update CWUP 5-90-040 (2). Update position title. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    AAC23-24.03    Revise proposed policy regarding student conduct in academic settings. Proposed policy CWUP 5-90-080/CWUR 2-90-080. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    AAC23-24.04    Work with the ADI committee on approving policy regarding ADI graduation requirements. Update academic policy for changes resulting in new ADI requirement. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    AAC23-24.05    Review updated academic appeals policy for clerical changes Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    AAC23-24.06    Consider revising 5-90-40 (35) Academic Standing to clarify the status of students who have high GPA (>2.0) but have two consecutive quarters below 2.0. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    AAC23-24.07    Request presentation on WICHE “no holds back” study results. Make recommendations for policy changes on academic holds if needed. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    AAC23-24.08    Review CWU enrollment data during the add/drop period to determine whether a change in length is needed. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    AAC23-24.09    Review committee procedures manual through an equity lens, including committee functions, processes, and membership. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    AAC23-24.10    Review committee procedures manual and update as required. Timeline: Approve updated procedures manual by second committee meeting of spring quarter.

  • Bylaws and Faculty Code Committee

    BFCC23-24.01   Review of Bylaws for all committee titles and abbreviations. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    BFCC23-24.02   Clarify Bylaws, Section VII D. Senate Hearing, 1. (corresponds to Code IV.H).  Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    BFCC23-24.03   Consult with Evaluation and Assessment Committee regarding whether or not Associate Deans should be added to faculty assessment of deans. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    BFCC23-24.03   Research and identify potential conflicts of interest related to department chairs being senators and consider updating bylaws. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    BFCC23-24.04   Rework Code, Section II. 2. College Budget Committees.  Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    BFCC23-24.05   Review CBA and update Faculty Code for alignment. Consider updating faculty code to directly reference the CBA when appropriate for reduced BFCC code updates and clarifying the governing body (I.e. Faculty Senate or UFC) for clearer faculty direction. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    BFCC23-24.06   Consider the benefits and drawbacks of adding Non-Tenure Track (NTT) faculty as permanent members of Faculty Senate standing committees. Make recommendations as appropriate. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    BFCC23-24.07   Clarify scope of Faculty Code Section I. B. 2. d. ii. Emeriti use of computer services to assure within state requirement and update code as needed. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    BFCC23-24.08   Review committee procedures manual through an equity lens, including committee functions, processes, and membership. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    BFCC23-24.09   Review committee procedures manual and update as required. Timeline: Approve updated procedures manual by second committee meeting of spring quarter.

    BFCC23-24.10   Recommend revisions to Code and Bylaws to improve clarity and fix typos and errors. Timeline: Ongoing.

  • Budget and Planning Committee

    BPC23-24.01       Review the Budget Development Task Force Tuition Waiver Group Recommendation for Changes to Tuition Waiver Policy and Use waiver report and make policy recommendations. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    BPC23-24.02       Invite Joel Klucking or another representative from Finance & Administration on results of feedback from town hall meetings and the next steps of the Values Based Budgeting Model at CWU. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    BPC23-24.03       Maintain regular communication processes with college budget committees. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    BPC23-24.04       Consult with and consider coordination with Shared Governance Joint Sensemaking Group. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    BPC23-24.05       Continue to take an active role in the budget governance process and push for greater clarity in the various roles in the process. Timeline: Continuous.

    BPC23-24.06       Review Policy and Procedures on the role of President’s Budget Advisory Council and the other budget-related committees across campus and make recommendations for updates. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    BPC23-24.07       Review budget calendar as proposed by financial services (or that office) and make recommendations of concerns. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    BPC23-24.08       Continue monitoring the budgetary implications for faculty of the University mission and vision, as well as the development of the University strategic plan. Provide recommendations as appropriate. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    BPC23-24.08       Continue monitoring implementation of the budget model at Central as it impacts programs, departments, and colleges. Disseminate findings to administrators and faculty as appropriate. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    BPC23-24.09       Explore budgetary implications of CWU organizational changes and make recommendations as appropriate. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    BPC23-24.10       Review committee procedures manual through an equity lens, including committee functions, processes, and membership. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    BPC23-24.11       Review committee procedures manual and update as required. Timeline: Approve updated procedures manual by second committee meeting of spring quarter.

  • Curriculum Committee

    CC23-24.01           Identify an approval timeline for curriculum policy and procedure changes that ensures policy is prioritized for timely senate review and approval. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    CC23-24.02           Meet with Graduate Council Curriculum Committee (GCCC) to acquaint new members and identify how GCCC interacts/communicates with FSCC. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    CC23-24.03           Review and approve curriculum proposals. Timeline: Continuous.

    CC23-24.04           Consider revising CWUP 5-50-010 language in response to feedback from Provost’s Council. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    CC23-24.05           Review policy on processing internships with regard to standardization of placements and contracts. Make policy or procedure recommendations as appropriate. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    CC23-24.06           Approve the calendar for curricular deadlines for the 2024-2025 academic year. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    CC23-24.07           Complete work on defining “program” in policy and standardize implementation across campus. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    CC23-24.08           Revise policy and procedure regarding the creation of new degree types. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    CC23-24.09           Rearrange CWUP 5-50 and CWUR 2-50 from alphabetical to progressive order of importance and hierarchy. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    CC23-24.10           Identify modality options in CurricuLog to include hybrid options. Timeline Winter Quarter.

    CC23-24.11           Consider the inclusion of certificates on transcripts. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    CC23-24.12           Review procedures to ensure curriculum review process is consistent from year to year and update as needed.  (CWUR 2-50-040 Curriculum change procedure). Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    CC23-24.13           Clarify what is/isn’t in the curriculum approval process and make necessary changes. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    CC23-24.14           Continue working with the Registrar’s Office to address any Curriculog issues that impact faculty and the curriculum submission process.  Timeline: Continuous.

    CC23-24.15           Review committee procedures manual through an equity lens, including committee functions, processes, and membership. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    CC23-24.16           Review committee procedures manual and update as required. Timeline: Approve updated procedures manual by second committee meeting of spring quarter.

  • Evaluation and Assessment Committee

    EAC23-24.01       Propose revisions to the dean survey so that it better aligns with the current job description of a dean at CWU. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    EAC23-24.02       Consider the addition of adding associate dean review to code. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    EAC23-24.03       Identify barriers to student completion of SEOI and create SEOI fact sheet for faculty use in classes to increase SEOI completion rates. Timeline: Fall.

    EAC23-24.04       Identify current process and documentation of peer review of in-person teaching across colleges and departments. Make recommendations for a university wide standard process based on best practices and in response to current practice. Timeline: Fall and Winter Quarter.

    EAC23-24.05       Update RCM/ABB question in Faculty Senate survey. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    EAC23-24.06       Identify who should have access to faculty SEOI’s, create policy, and update CWUP 5-90-040(48). Timeline: Winter.

    EAC23-24.07       Identify best practices to avoid bias in student evaluations and make recommendations.  Timeline Winter.

    EAC23-24.08       Update president’s evaluation survey to better align with current job description. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    EAC23-24.09       Conduct annual assessment of Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Timeline: Spring quarter.

    EAC23-24.10       Conduct biennial assessment of administrators as described in Faculty Code. Timeline: Spring quarter.

    EAC23-24.11       Review committee procedures manual through an equity lens, including committee functions, processes, and membership. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    EAC23-24.12       Review committee procedures manual and update as required. Timeline: Approve updated procedures manual by second committee meeting of spring quarter.

  • General Education Committee

    GEC 23-24.01        Review and approve proposals to add courses to or remove courses from the General Education program. Timeline: End of Fall quarter.

    GEC23-24.02         Create component-based General Education program level outcomes. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    GEC23-24.03         Draft guidelines for the review of new General Education courses to avoid ableist and other biased language in course documentation, including learner outcomes.

    GEC23-24.04         Review Gen Ed program documents (program policies and rules) for ableist and biased language and make recommendations for revisions.  Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    GEC 23-24.05        Review student petitions to courses from the General Education Program. Timeline: Ongoing as needed.

    GEC23-24.06         Collaborate as needed with the Dean of Undergraduate Studies on collecting data for the General Education assessment plan. Timeline: Ongoing as needed.

    GEC23-24.07         Analyze assessment reports provided by Undergraduate Studies office and make recommended updates to General Education Program as appropriate. Timeline: continuous.

    GEC23-24.08         Review, seek broad input, and make decisions about any proposed General Education Program framework and rules changes. Timeline: End of Winter quarter, in order that they appear on spring quarter Faculty Senate agenda.

    GEC23-24.09         Review committee procedures manual and update as required. Timeline: Approve updated procedures manual by second committee meeting of spring quarter.

    GEC23-24.10         Monitor the mapping of paths within the existing General Education Program framework for online-only students to be able to complete Gen Ed requirements.  Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    GEC23-24.11         Monitor how General Education course changes affect students’ Academic Requirements reports and the issues that arise.   Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    GEC23-24.12         Review committee procedures manual through an equity lens, including committee functions, processes, and membership. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

  • Anti-racism, Diversity, and Inclusivity Committee

    ADI23-24.01        Review and approve ADI faculty applications. Timeline: Fall and Winter Quarter, and as needed.

    ADI23-24.02        Review and approve ADI course proposals. Timeline: Fall and Winter Quarter.

    ADI23-24.03        Develop ADI policy regarding graduation requirements for consideration by AAC. Timeline: Fall Quarter.

    ADI23-24.04        Develop sustainable training calendar to prepare faculty who are teaching ADI courses. Timeline: Winter Quarter.

    ADI23-24.05        Evaluate curriculum process/work flow in initial year and make recommendations for updates. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    ADI23-24.06        Draft and submit ADI committee procedures manual. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    ADI23-24.07        Consult with the administration (e.g., Registrar, enrollment management, Provost Office, and others as necessary) to assess whether students have the opportunity to fulfill this graduation requirement without adding time or cost to graduation. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

    ADI23-24.08        Develop and draft a proposed assessment plan for ADI courses. Timeline: Spring Quarter.

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