Virtual LEED Tour of Discovery Hall

Discovery Hall

Discovery Hall on the Central Washington University campus received a Gold LEED rating, with 37.8% energy savings, 44.7% water savings, and 95% waste recycled.

Breakdown of the points earned for water efficiency

Water efficiency was achieved by using a combination of water efficient landscaping and water reducing fixtures, with water use reduced by an average of 44.7% (33% fixtures, 56.5% landscaping).

A unique feature of Discovery Hall is the water efficient landscaping with native drought-tolerant plants. Additionally the landscaping incorporates three distinct outdoor classrooms with igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.

Discovery Hall Landscaping

Water-efficient landscaping at Discovery Hall

More Landscaping

Drought and water-efficient landscaping at Discovery Hall

Drinking Stations

One of the many hydration stations in Discovery Hall

Low Flow Toilets

Dual flushing toilets in Discovery Hall

Breakdown of the points earned for energy and atmosphere

Discovery Hall was designed to improve user productivity while also reducing energy usage. This was achieved by a lighting system that adjusts to the natural daylight in the classroom as the lighting level changes throughout the day. The building also went through a commissioning process which included hiring a commissioner to design a commissioning plan, oversee the development and construction process, and finally write a report verifying that the systems function in the way they were intended.

This building’s energy-efficient LED and fluorescent lighting, sensors, and controls result in 40 percent lower annual energy consumption than prescribed code minimum lighting levels.

Wall with Windows

Sunshades on Discovery Hall achieve a dynamic effect with the ability to reduce heat gain while allowing direct sunlight to illuminate the interior space which optimizes energy usage.

Breakdown of the points earned for materials and resources

Storage and Collection of Recyclables
There are different locations in the building that are collection areas for recyclables. The intent is to reduce waste that is being generated and hauled off to landfills.
Construction Waste Management
Points were earned from this category by diverting over 68% of demolition and construction waste from reaching the landfill.
CWU’s Discovery Hall is situated on what used to be a surface parking lot. As the site was prepared for construction, 100 percent of the asphalt from that parking lot was recycled.

Breakdown of the points earned for indoor environmental quality

A high-efficiency fresh-air filtration system continuously replenishes and cleanses the air, minimizing occupants’ exposure to indoor airborne contaminants. The carpets, paint, coatings, sealants, adhesives, and composite wood and arguer products meet low-VOC standards, helping to reduce indoor air contaminants.


Area of daylighting in Discovery Hall

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