Submit your cost-saving ideas and win up to $10,000

  • May 22, 2024
  • University Relations

Do you have an innovative idea that could potentially save money or generate revenue for the university? Share it with the Washington State Productivity Board and you could win up to $10,000.

All state employees, including CWU faculty and staff, are encouraged to send their ideas to the Productivity Board, which evaluates submissions year-round and works with individual state agencies to determine if the ideas are feasible.

The Productivity Board — established in 1982 by the Washington Secretary of State’s Office — determines if the ideas are eligible and then works with agencies to determine if the ideas can be implemented. If the idea has the potential to provide at least 10% cost savings over the current system, the employee or team of employees who submitted it could receive a cash reward.

Even if the idea passes muster but can’t be implemented right away, employees could still earn up to $200 in cash or gift cards. Ideas that don’t have monetary savings but help improve processes are also considered for awards. The Productivity Board’s two main programs are:

Employee Suggestion Program (ESP)

  • Provides up to $10,000 to individuals whose adopted single-solution ideas save money, generate revenue, and/or improve services within state government;
  • Suggestions must be submitted, evaluated, and approved before implementation to be eligible for an award;
  • The suggester must research the suggestion or idea prior to submission
  • 10% of the first-year savings can be awarded to the employee, with a maximum award of $10,000. 

Teamwork Incentive Program (TIP)

  • Provides cash incentives for teams that propose and implement cost saving/revenue-generating ideas;
  • Teams can be awarded up to 25% of net savings or revenue, and each team member can receive up to $10,000;
  • The percentage awarded is determined by the agency;
  • Applications need agency approval and can be submitted before or after implementation;
  • Project periods are flexible, measurement period up to one year.

There is no deadline for submissions, but contributions from CWU employees are both welcome and needed. So send over those big ideas and earn some extra spending cash.

If you would like to learn more, email or call 360-725-0381.

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