Our Mission, Vision, Values

The Diversity and Equity Center (DEC) centers the needs of students with marginalized identities. We provide holistic student support, identity-based & cultural programs, and social justice workshops to cultivate a sense of belonging and community at Central Washington University (CWU) and beyond.


The Diversity and Equity Center aims to be a transformative anti-oppressive center that disrupts white dominant culture and inspires marginalized students to unapologetically take up space and be leaders and decision-makers of social change in our communities.


We do this through

Holistic Student Support

  • The DEC utilizes a holistic approach to supporting students. Recognizing that each student has a set of unique needs and intersecting identities, we are committed to meeting students as they are and supporting them how they want to be supported, both inside and outside of the classroom. We aim to create spaces that allow students to show up as their full selves.

Identity-Based & Cultural Programs

  • The DEC facilitates identity-based and cultural programs in order to affirm students in their identity development, honor lived experiences, and build supportive communities that will sustain students throughout their time at CWU.

    The DEC collaborates with student organizations and clubs to host a variety of cultural and heritage programs for the campus community.


  • Our social justice workshops are co-facilitated by professional and student staff and are geared towards serving students at CWU. Topics include Equity & Identity, Microaggressions, and Safer Spaces (2LGBTQ+ Focused). Learn more about workshops.

Diversity & Equity Center - Equity & Services Council

  • The DEC works with Associated Students of Central Washington University (ASCWU) to advise the Equity and Services Council (ESC), a council of student organizations that promote diversity, equity, and inclusivity. ESC hosts a range of educational and cultural programming across campus.


  • The DEC provides a living room lounge, conference room (Rm 101), and multipurpose room (Rm 105) open for students and groups to study, hang out, and gather in community. The space includes work stations, computers, a social justice library, and kitchen area. We also have free popcorn every Friday at 11am! Reserve the DEC.

Our Values

  • We commit to building justice and just relationships in our communities.
  • We believe that justice is relational (rooted in our interactions and relationships with one another) and requires trust building, vulnerability, and loving accountability.
  • We believe that justice requires speaking truth to power. This means courageously confronting those in power, calling out injustices, and demanding change.
  • We believe that justice is rooted in liberatory education that calls on us to examine, challenge, and reckon with entrenched power structures, internally and externally.
  • We believe that justice requires us to re-imagine and rebuild (PDF) a world with radical community care that prioritizes the healing and repair for oppressed groups.
  • We believe that justice is imperfect, emergent, complex, and at times contradictory, and we cannot do it alone.
  • We believe that justice cannot be sustained without celebration, joy, and gratitude for the everyday rhythms of our lives. 

CWU News

Central Communication Agency gives students real-world public relations experience

June 12, 2024


City of Ellensburg partnering with CWU and others for Juneteenth celebration

June 12, 2024


More News

Questions? Contact Us.

Diversity and Equity Center

Black Hall 101-5

Monday-Thursday, 10-7 pm
Friday 10-5 pm

Mal Stewman (Director)

Justin Santoli (Program Manager/ESC Advisor)

Victoria Linder (Program Manager)