Employee of the Year - Information and Selection Procedure

History of This Award

The Civil Service Employee of the Year award program was established in 1997 to recognize the accomplishments of one civil service employee each year that is selected by a committee of his or her peers as the most outstanding employee of CWU for that particular year.

Eligibility of the Civil Service Employee of the Year Award

Only Employees of the Month for the specific year (January-December) are eligible for this award.

Procedure for Selection of the Civil Service Employee of the Year Award

The Executive Committee of the Employee Council will appoint a selection committee each year. The Selection Committee will consist of one civil service staff person (who is not an Employee Council member) from each division: Academic Affairs, Business and Financial Affairs, University Relation, the President's Division, and Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.

One of the five positions shall be a previous civil service employee of the year recipient serving as the person from their division. Employee Council Vice Chair will serve as coordinator to the committee, but will not be an active voting member. The selection committee may elect its own chairperson. The selection committee is not an investigative body. Therefore, it is imperative that support material be complete, orderly, and self-explanatory.

The chairperson of the Employee of the Month selection committee will prepare packets for the Employee of the Year selection committee. The packets will contain a copy of each individual’s nomination forms received by the Employee of the Month Selection Committee. The Employee of the Year selection committee will select the civil service employee of the year by March 31st, and inform the Employee Council Vice Chair of their decision. The vice chair will then report their decision to the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources. All materials shall be returned to the vice chair to be destroyed.

Presentation of the Civil Service Employee of the Year Award

  • Announcement of the Civil Service Employee of the Year will be made at the Annual Employee Appreciation Awards ceremony. Presentation of the award will be made at the Honors Convocation, which also honors outstanding faculty and students. Employee Council Publicity Chair makes arrangements with the President’s Office.
  • The Employee of the Year will have their picture displayed on the Wall of Honor located on the third floor of Barge Hall and will be invited to have their picture on the web.

NOTE: These procedures are subject to change by the Employee Council at any time.
Revised: 2/19/08

Employee of the Year Selection Procedure (PDF)

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