Student Information

As a student of political science, you find yourself in a unique position. Your academic life is a whirlwind of lectures, seminars, reading assignments, and group projects. Each day, you are encouraged to question, debate, and challenge prevailing notions of power, democracy, and justice. You find the coursework demanding yet intriguing, as it pushes you to hone your analytical thinking and writing skills. From meticulously crafting essays and research papers to presenting your ideas confidently in front of peers, you are constantly developing your abilities. You often spend your time networking with fellow students and faculty, attending guest lectures and symposiums. Outside of your regular coursework, you might participate in model UN, debating societies, or political clubs, all providing you with a practical understanding of the subjects you study. As your knowledge expands, so too does your awareness of the significant role you can play in shaping society's political future.

CWU News

CWU employees reminded to manage records efficiently and effectively

April 12, 2024


Lion Rock Visiting Writers Series continues Thursday and April 25-26

April 10, 2024


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